Living from the EartHeart


Thank you for visiting. This site holds space for insights about living from the Earth's Heart.We are mirrors of each other. Whatever brought you here and whatever brought my words to you is part of a sharing of presence; an affirmation that we both exist in embodying our own journeys side by side.. an affirmation that we are One.

The EartHeart Journey is a sharing of my experiences from earth, heart, and art. My reflections have evolved on so many levels since I started journal writing when I was 11. What used to be a blog for my art projects and some public musings is now becoming a portal for sharing about consciousness, creativity, sustainability… of light, life, and love. Everything here is part of a sacred journey to oneness within and everywhere. However you resonate, may it reveal to you you inspiration, intuition, or insight for your own life journey.

Note: My new blogs can be found on my Portfolio Site.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Inner Space in Cyber Space

I am writing this after catching a feather that floated inside my room. 
I see this as an auspicious go signal.

Yesterday, after conducting an expressive arts and mandala workshop, I gave my first formal talk about visual journaling to a group of nuns in formation. For the first time, I shared my journal drawings and writings to people I did not know.

The truth is, I miss writing in my notebook. 

After recording for about 17 years, I stopped writing regularly two years ago. A painful life experience in fear and co-dependence led me to close my lips, my imagination, and my heart to my inner world. I could not move my hands to write properly. Disoriented like a dervish with no center, I was afraid to manifest and to speak out.

I am now breaking my silence and slowly writing again.

I am encouraging myself to express my life in words despite growing tired of reading and writing through the years, secretly wanting to converse telepathically or in the simplest of words and actions. Although most of my inner thoughts and wonders will still be in my journal, it would be beautiful to share light and be light as I converse with the universe this way.

It rained yesterday after months of intense heat. I smelled the salt of the sea intensely and in double decibels, I heard the drops of water from the broken garden faucet gravitating towards the bucket just as the sky was about to let go.

It poured for more than an hour and it blessed the parched lands and weary souls of Manila. 

It blessed me.

I am now undulating in this ocean of possibility as I dedicate this online journal to my journey of recovering my artistic path. Let's walk together.


womanwisdom said...

how blessed i am to visit your blog, sarah...we journey together...


Unknown said...

Wow your blog is a piece of oasis on the journey Ate Weena :) Blessed be.